Messier 103

103 final

Object:   M103 (NGC 581) Date:               2018 December 12
Type:  Open cluster
Constellation:           Cassiopeia Time & altitude:          19.20 UT    79º
Catalogue data: Seeing (5 high):                               3/5
            R.A:                1h 33m Transparency (5 high):                   4/5
            Dec:                60º 42 Telescope:     0.5m f4.1  Dob.
            Magnitude     7.0 Eyepiece       17mm Ethos              x120
            Size (mins)    6 Filters:            None


Why is this not known as the Christmas Tree cluster? Its outline is a well-proportioned isosceles triangle with the brightest star at the apex. The cluster stands out well from the background Milky Way because there is a void of stars around it to the N, W and S. A pleasing object.