Messier 12

12 final

Object:   M12 (NGC 6218) Date:               2018 August 6
Type:  Globular cluster
Constellation:           Ophiuchus Time & altitude:          21.40 UT     31º
Catalogue data: Seeing (5 high):                               2/5
            R.A:                16h 47m Transparency (5 high):                   3/5
            Dec:                -1º 57 Telescope:     0.5m f4.1  Dob.
            Magnitude     6.6 Eyepiece       8mm Ethos                x260
            Size (mins)    14 Filters:            None


My initial reaction was that M12 is a bit larger and a bit brighter than M10, but then going back to M10 it looked the larger and brighter! M12 lacks the peppering of bright foreground stars that M10 has.