Object: ARP 25 (NGC 2276) | Date: 2015 January 20 |
Peculiarity: Galaxies with amorphous spiral arms. | |
Constellation: Cepheus | Time & altitude: 01.25 UT 55º |
Catalogue data: | Seeing (5 high): 3/5 |
R.A: 7h 27m | Transparency (5 high): 3/5 |
Dec: +85º 45 | Telescope: 0.5m f4.1 Dob. |
Magnitude: 11.4 | Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos x260 |
Galaxy size (mins): 2.8 x 2.6 | Filters: None |
Notes: A large, face-on disk following a distracting 8th mag. star. Round apart from a missing segment in SE quadrant. Illumination is even across the disk with no core or nucleus. There appear to be subtle dark lanes which hint at a Catherine Wheel appearance. In the drawing ARP 25 is on the left and is one half of ARP 114. |