Object: Arp 120 (NGC 4435 & NGC 4438) | Date: 2020 April 14 |
Peculiarity: Elliptical close to and perturbing spirals. | |
Constellation: Virgo | Time & altitude: 23.30 UT 51º |
Catalogue data: | Seeing (5 high): 4/5 |
R.A: 12h 28m | Transparency (5 high): 4/5 |
Dec: +13º 02 | Telescope: 0.5m f4.1 Dob. |
Magnitudes 11.7 and 10.1 | Eyepiece 8mm Ethos x260 |
Galaxy sizes (mins) 3×2 and 8×3 | Filters: None |
Notes: Named by Copeland “The Eyes”. Looks nothing like eyes to me, the galaxies are far too dissimilar. 4435 is the most conspicuous of the pair. It has a bright round core set in a small lemon-shaped halo with pointed ends, the long axis more or less NS. 4438 is a much larger object with lower surface brightness. It is still an easy spot. The main component is a 3:1 ellipse elongated NNE-SSW. In addition there is a tenuous extension to the halo to the NNW and then curving a little toward 4435. I could detect it over about half the distance to 4435. I was not able to find any similar extension to the SSW. |