Arp 229

ARP 229 2015 Sep 17

Object:  ARP 229   (NGCs 507 & 508) Date:               2015 September 17
Peculiarity:    Concentric ring.
Constellation:           Pisces Time & altitude:   23.30 UT      61º
Catalogue data: Seeing (5 high):                               3/5
            R.A:                1h 24m Transparency (5 high):                   4/5
            Dec:                +33º 16 Telescope:     0.5m f4.1 Dob.
            Magnitudes   12.2 & 14.1 Eyepiece:      8mm Ethos      x260
Galaxy sizes (min)   3 & 1 (diameter) Filters:            None


NGC 507 has a non stellar core in an extended round halo. I could not detect the near circular rings of small density difference that Arp noted in the halo. NGC 508 is just a round haze. The pair were not seen as in contact. Two other galaxies were seen in this field, NGC 504 (14.0m) an easy elliptical, and NGC 503 (15.1) round, and there are other galaxies nearby.