Arp 273

ARP 273 2014 Nov 24

Object:   ARP 273  (UGC 1810 & 1813, VV 323) Date:               2014 Nov 24
Peculiarity:    Galaxies with connected arms.
Constellation:           Andromeda Time & altitude:        23.15 UT     72º
            R.A:                2h  22m Seeing (5 high):                               3/5
            Dec:                +39º 22 Transparency (5 high):                   2/5
            Magnitudes:  13.4 & 15.1 Telescope:                 0.5m f4.1  Dob.
            Galaxy sizes (mins):   2 x 1.3 & 1.5 x 0.4 Eyepiece:      8mm Ethos     x 260
  Filters:            None


Found in a hexagon of stars (four ~13th mag and two much brighter). The galaxies lie behind a right triangle of ~14th mag stars. Proved tricky to identify to start with but once found was actually moderately easy. The spiral arm extending towards UGC 1813 was seen ~ 10% of the time. Otherwise the nebulosity was without structure. UGC 1813 itself at mag 15.1 was not seen, unsurprising in the less than ideal conditions.