Arp 278

ARP 278 2015 Aug 9

Object:    ARP  278    (NGC 7253A and B) Date:               2015 August 9
Peculiarity:    Interacting double galaxies.
Constellation:           Pegasus Time & altitude: 23.45 UT     64º
Catalogue data: Seeing (5 high):                               4/5
            R.A:                22h 19m Transparency (5 high):                   4/5
            Dec:                +29º 24 Telescope:     0.5m f4.1 Dob.
            Magnitudes:  13.6 & 14.4 Eyepiece:      8mm Ethos      x260
Galaxy sizes (mins):  1.7×0.5 & 1.6×0.5 Filters:            None.


Had a lot of bother finding the correct field. This region is peppered with stars and lacks any stand-out patterns. The galaxies are also difficult to see, in fact I could not make out 7253B at all. This is odd as the magnitudes are comparable to Arp 293 which I saw OK around an hour earlier. I see that coastal fog is now picking up a lot of stray light from Dover docks. The whole of the SE is lit up like a false dawn yet overhead the Milky Way is still good. As far as I could tell, 7253A appeared as a thin irregular streak without any sort of structure.