Object: ARP 28 (NGC 7678) | Date: 2015 September 5 |
Peculiarity: Spiral with one heavy arm. | |
Constellation: Pegasus | Time & altitude: 22.05 UT 50º |
Catalogue data: | Seeing (5 high): 3/5 |
R.A: 23h 28m | Transparency (5 high): 3/5 |
Dec: +22º 25 | Telescope: 0.5m f4.1 Dob. |
Magnitude: 11.8 | Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos x260 |
Galaxy size (mins): 3×2. | Filters: Lumicon Deep Sky. |
Notes: An indistinct fuzz almost filling a prominent triangle of 11m stars. I saw hints of structure and it is a little brighter on the S side. Very little could be seen without the filter. |