Object: ARP 31 (IC 167) | Date: 2015 October 8 |
Peculiarity: Integral sign spiral. | |
Constellation: Aries | Time & altitude: 21.40 UT 45º |
Catalogue data: | Seeing (5 high): 3/5 |
R.A: 1h 51m | Transparency (5 high): 3/5 |
Dec: +21º 55 | Telescope: 0.5m f4.1 Dob. |
Magnitude: 13.6 | Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos x260 |
Galaxy size (mins): 2.6 x 1.4 | Filters: Lumicon Deep Sky |
Notes: Almost invisible. I fancied it might be banana shaped as shown in the drawing but with very low confidence. The nearby galaxy NGC 694 (a.k.a. Markarian 363), which is not part of the Arp object, looked much more obvious and interesting despite a slightly fainter catalogue magnitude of 13.7m. It appeared as an oval lying NS, with a sharp E edge and a diffuse W edge. |