Arp 307

ARP 307 2016 Apr 6

Object:   ARP 307    (NGCs 2872,  73 and 74) Date:               2016 April 6
Peculiarity:    Double galaxies.
Constellation:           Leo Time & altitude:  23.45 UT     32º
Catalogue data: Seeing (5 high):                               4/5
            R.A:                9h 26m Transparency (5 high):                   4/5
            Dec:                +11º 26 Telescope:     0.5m f4.1 Dob.
            Magnitudes:  12.9, 15.3, 13.4 Eyepiece:      8mm Ethos      x260
            Galaxy sizes (mins):   2.1×1.8,  0.6×0.2,   2.4×0.7 Filters:            None


NGCs 2872 and 2874 seen in contact. 2872 is the brightest of the pair and it has an obvious non-stellar core. It is very slightly oval, say 9:10, with the major axis pointing NW-SE.  NGC 2874 is a narrow oval 7:2 aligned NE-SW.  It also has a noticeable round non-stellar core about half the size of that in 2872.   NGC 2873 was just visible using AV, as a 2:1 or 3:1 oval patch of mist pointing roughly EW.