Arp 311

Arp 311 2017 Aug 15

Object:      Arp 311 ( IC 1258, 59 & 60) Date:               2017 Aug 15
Peculiarity:   Galaxy group.
Constellation:           Draco Time & altitude:        22.10 UT      68º
Catalogue data: Seeing (5 high):                                   4/5
            R.A:                17h 27m Transparency (5 high):                   4/5
            Dec:                +58º 30 Telescope:     0.5m f4.1  Dob.
            Magnitude:    IC 1258   14.3  IC 1260   15.7 Eyepiece:      8mm Ethos      x260
            Galaxy sizes (mins): 0.8 x 0.4 & 0.3 x 0.3 Filters:            None


IC 1259, otherwise known as VV101 is Arp 310, refer to page 138 for separate commentary for that object.

IC 1258 was seen and held with DV without difficulty. It appeared somewhat oval, aligned roughly EW.

IC 1260 escaped detection initially. It wasn’t until I checked the precise location on a chart that I could identify it. It is desperately small, but once identified, it wasn’t that difficult to pick it out.