Object: M30 (NGC 7099) | Date: 2018 November 14 |
Type: Globular cluster | |
Constellation: Capricorn | Time & altitude: 19.20 UT 13º |
Catalogue data: | Seeing (5 high): 3/5 |
R.A: 21h 40m | Transparency (5 high): 2/5 |
Dec: -23º 11 | Telescope: 0.5m f4.1 Dob. |
Magnitude 7.3 | Eyepiece 8mm Ethos x260 |
Size (mins) 11 | Filters: None |
Notes: M30 is just 20 arcmins E of a 5th mag. star. The first quarter Moon is c.10 degrees E. There is a haze in the air, NELM is only 4½ near the N pole and worse around the horizon. This all combines to give a mediocre view of yet another globular emaciated by its southerly declination. M30 is a pronounced oval shape, ratio 2:1 with the long axis EW. The long axis is only 1 arcmin long, so I am only seeing the core. The outer parts are grainy, so partly resolved. There is a short straight chain of three stars running N from the centre and a second similar chain running NW. In the fuzzy viewing conditions it looks rather like a mushroom with the N chain being the stalk. This is usually the last object in a Messier Marathon. |