Arp 116

ARP 116 redo Xmas

Object:     ARP 116   (M60, NGC 4647 & 4649) Date:               2012 May 13
Peculiarity:   Elliptical galaxy close to and perturbing a spiral.
Constellation:           Virgo Time & altitude:        23.45 UT     40º
Catalogue data: Seeing (5 high):                               2/5
            R.A:                12h 44m Transparency (5 high):                   2/5
            Dec:            +11º 33 Telescope:                 0.5m f4.1  Dob.
            Magnitudes:  11.9 & 9.8 Eyepiece:      16mm Clavé     x130                                                                       10mm Clavé     x205
            Galaxy sizes (mins): 3×2  &  7×6 Filters:            tried Lumicon Deep Sky but                         better without.


No clear edge to NGC 4649; just fades to nothing. No core seen in the companion. No structure in either. NGC 4638 12.1m. is obvious to the S just out of the field.