Arp 118

ARP 118 2015 Dec 8

Object:            ARP 118

(NGC 1143 & 1144)

Date:               2015 December 8


Peculiarity:    Elliptical galaxy close to and perturbing spirals.
Constellation:           Cetus Time & altitude:  23.00 UT  36º
Catalogue data: Seeing (5 high):                               2/5
            R.A:                2h 55m Transparency (5 high):                   4/5
            Dec:                0º 11 Telescope:     0.5m f4.1 Dob.
            Magnitudes:  14.1 & 13.8 Eyepiece:      8mm Ethos      x260
  Galaxy sizes (mins):  0.9×0.7 & 1×0.6 Filters:            Lumicon Deep Sky


First observations since November 13. The Met Office say November has been the dullest (i.e. cloudiest) since records began in 1929.

Arp 118 appeared bright and was easily seen. Curious! It is an angular patch of light aligned roughly E-W. NGC 1143 is at the W end and 1144 marks the E end. The ends are brighter than the middle and the W end brighter than the E.  The SE end (NGC 1144) seemed “squared off”. At the bottom of the drawing is a 6th magnitude star half the field diameter to the NW, so about 12 mins from the galaxies.