Object: ARP 55 (UGC 4881) | Date: 2017 January 19 |
Peculiarity: Spiral with small high surface-brightness companion on arm. | |
Constellation: Lynx | Time & altitude: 23.40 UT 73º |
Catalogue data: | Seeing (5 high): 4/5 |
R.A: 9h 16m | Transparency (5 high): 4/5 |
Dec: +44º 20 | Telescope: 0.5m f4.1 Dob. |
Magnitude: 14.1 | Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos x260 |
Galaxy size (mins): 1.0 x 0.9 | Filters: None |
Notes: Known as the Grasshopper Galaxy. The HST website quotes a distance 500 million light years. I saw it as a faint oval glow visible most of the time with DV. The oval is elongated 5:3 in an EW direction. There were hints of structure at the limit of visibility. The tidal tail which runs S from the E end of the galaxy was not seen. A separate galaxy, PGC 26124 mag. 15.4 is nearby to the S. It is a small round glow readily seen with DV. |