Messier 29

29 final

Object:   M29 (NGC 6913) Date:               2018 November 14
Type:  Open cluster
Constellation:           Cygnus Time & altitude:          20.25 UT    50º
Catalogue data: Seeing (5 high):                               2/5
            R.A:                20h 24m Transparency (5 high):                   4/5
            Dec:                38º 32 Telescope:     0.5m f4.1  Dob.
            Magnitude     6.6 Eyepiece       8mm Ethos                x260
            Size (mins)    7 Filters:            None


The previous object viewed this evening was M71 so you might expect the next would be M27. I have skipped the planetary nebula because of the moonlight. Early hazier conditions are continuing to improve but seeing worse. Naked-eye limiting magnitude now better than 5½.  M29 is a mediocre object for the 20-inch. It reveals so many asterisms, patterns and groupings in this busy part of the Milky Way that M29 isn’t immediately obvious. It is a loose, sparse cluster which struggles to stand out very much from its surroundings.